Healthy and Strong Nails

6 Tips for Healthy and Strong Nails

Our appearance plays a vital role in our life, self-esteem, and mood. It can change our perception of people if they look ugly, feel ugly, and dress ugly. Those who do not care about their appearance are not as successful as those who do. This is easy to explain why: we love beautiful, attractive, and pleasant smell things (as one of these angel wing lockets). The same should people be.

However, your hairstyle, clothes, and manner of speech are not enough. If you are a woman, your manicure acts like a business card. Therefore, your nails are the part of the body, which should not be ignored. However, people used to skip nail care. As a result, they have pulled cuticles, chipping nails, and skin peels. Does it look great? No. Can you prevent it? Yes, for sure. In this blog post, we are going to tell you about six essential and useful tips that will help you to grow strong and healthy nails. So, what should you know about nail care routines? How to take care of your nails?

1. Always keep your hands clean 

It is highly essential to keep your nails, as well as the skin around them, are clean and dry every time you are going to do anything. To get rid of exfoliating any dead skin and remove dirt off your nails and skin around it, it is recommended to use a toothbrush and soap that will help you gently remove the dirt of nails and cuticles.

2. Avoid harsh nail paints

Today there are a lot of hair paints that include harmful chemicals that provide a negative impact on your nails, making then weak and brittle. Therefore, the best alternative and the best solution for your healthy nails are water-based paints (take into account that they do not last long). They do not contain as many harsh toxins as the other nail paints. 

3. Do not use the metal tool under your nails too often

One of the most common problems of people under 50 is that they scrub their nails too roughly. The other problem is using metal tools under nails. It is a massive mistake because frequent digging under nails with the help of metal tools can lead to separating of the nail plate from the skin. It does not sound excellent.

4. Always take care of your nail care tools

Regular cleaning of your makeup brushes is equal to regular disinfecting of your manicure tools. The aim is the same – to get rid of bacteria. Therefore, to provide your nail tools with proper disinfection, use soap and water to wash them. Then, with the help of alcohol, wipe them down. Those manicure tools that are disposable (manicure mat, nailbrush, cuticle pusher, emery board, and more) should be regularly replaced. 

5. The base coat is a must

Painting your nails is necessary as well as a beneficial step to take care of your nails and its healthy look. The base coat does not only protects your nails from being stained by polish but also helps the color to look more opal and neat with just only one layer.

6. Acetone-free nail remover

If you do not your nails are dull, yellow, harsh, and brittle, it is necessary to use only acetone-free nail remover.